Setting Up a Chromebook for Salesforce Development

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So you’ve decided to buy a Chromebook.

Me too! I’ve actually had a cheap Asus Chromebook since 2015, and it’s still kicking, but I recently purchased a new Pixelbook as my new personal laptop and development notebook. I had previously rigged my little Asus to run Chrubuntu as a fun project, so when Google announced in 2019 that all Chromebooks will be Linux ready going forward, I was eager to try it out.

Okay, nerd.

Hey now, you’re the one reading this super niche blog post.

Fair enough, let’s get started.


This tutorial starts from scratch, and is mostly for users who might be new to Linux and/or development on a Chromebook. If you consider yourself an advanced user, feel free to skip this one.

Step One – Buy a Linux capable Chromebook

I assume you’ve already got this one taken care of.

Step Two – Enable Linux (Beta)

Go to Settings, Linux (Beta), and turn it on. That’s it! Everything you need will install. If you ever decide to remove Linux apps from your machine, you can un-press the button, and everything will uninstall.

Turn on Linux (Beta)

Step Three – Install Visual Studio Code

This one is pretty straightforward. Go to the Visual Studio Download page, and click the .deb button. This will download the .deb file. All you need to do to install is go to Downloads and double click it.

Downloads Folder in Pixelbook

Once you double click, you will see the following:

Install app with Linux (Beta)

Hit “Install,” and you’re good to go!

Step Four – Add SFDX Development Tools

Open up VSCode, click on the Extensions icon, and search for Salesforce Extension Pack. Basically, we’re following the instructions in the Setup Visual Studio Code Trailhead.

Salesforce Extension Pack in VSCode

Hitting “Install” will also install the Salesforce CLI Integration package, which we will be setting up shortly.

Step Five – Install Salesforce CLI

Documentation to install the Salesforce CLI can be found here.

Open your Linux terminal, and enter the following command to download the tarball:


Next, type the following to create an sfdx directory:

mkdir sfdx

Unpack the tarball using the following command:

tar xJf sfdx-linux-amd64.tar.xz -C sfdx --strip-components 1

Did you get an error?

Error: No such file or directory

The reason for this error is because we haven’t installed the xz file decompression tool. This is probably the case if you haven’t installed any other Linux apps on your new Chromebook.

To install this tool, enter the following command:

sudo apt-get install xz-utils

Now, try the previous command again.

Ahh, much better!

Lastly, run the install command:


Now, we can use the sfdx command to verify our install and run the CLI!

The SFDX command shows the commands and topics for the SFDX CLI

Type sfdx force to see resources for Salesforce Developers:

sfdx force command

There you have it.

For the seasoned Chromebook user or Linux professional, this process is a breeze. For those who are new to either, hopefully this helped! Now you’ll be able to use your Chromebook for Salesforce Development.

Thanks for reading, let me know if you have any comments or questions!

Evelyn Maguire

Another Salesforce Blog


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7 responses to “Setting Up a Chromebook for Salesforce Development”

  1. Thank you. After multiple attempts and several youtube videos this is what worked for me. Thanks a lot for this!

  2. Stoked to be able to use my chromebook for dev – been through mac and windows both alike and nothing seems to compete with speed and durability of chromebook imo.

    Thanks for the concise tutorial got me up and running in just a few minutes.

  3. Hi there. I am getting the same error even after writing the command sudo apt-get install xz-utils

  4. You might want to also update your .bashrc file with the line at the end: PATH=~/cli/sf/bin:$PATH

    this is a hidden file and will set the path so that vscode gets access to the cli.

    my path reference was being lost each time I shut down the linux enviroment.

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